In this article, we will explain the RaceMe Pro tuner power levels, the RaceMe Pro tuner settings, how many levels the RaceMe Pro tuner has and what you can do or can’t do with the RaceMe Pro tuner on a standard transmission and on an automatic transmission. You will also get information about why the RaceMe Pro tuner is not and will never be able to programming a Dodge Ram 2013 and above truck model (There are only 2 RaceME Pro Tuners: RaceME Pro Tuner for RAM Truck 2007.5-2009 and RaceME Pro Tuner for RAM Truck 2010-2012). The difference between The RaceMe Jun tuner and the RaceMe Pro tuner is also part of this article because so many customers are asking on emails to explain that in simple words.
RaceMe tuner power levels and timing settings
So we start here with the RaceMe Pro power levels:
- stage 0 stock hp stock timing
- 1 adds 40hp with added timing
- 2 same hp with stock timing
- 3 adds 80hp with added timing
- 4 same hp with stock timing
- 5 adds 120hp with added timing
- 6 same hp with stock timing
- 7 adds 160hp with added timing
- 8 same hp with stock timing
- 9 adds 200hp with added timing
Your question will be why are 2 stages with the same hp.
You see odd numbers having added timing and even numbers with no timing.
The RaceMe Pro tuner power levels offer odd # stages for trucks with stock injectors and the even # stages are for trucks with big aftermarket injectors what are better working with stock timing.
All the numbers above are RWHP (rear wheel horse power) numbers and not flywheel numbers.
How to install RaceMe Pro tuner
The Installation of the RaceMe Pro tuner is simple, plug tuner into OBD plug, first the display will show it’s software release numbers for some seconds. After that, you will see the first menu and it will show:
- 1=ECM Update
- 2=DTC codes
You should first check for DTC codes and write it down, all must have gone after programming and if you see a code again it must not have to do with the DPF or EGR system but could show some other issues not related with programming.
Delete codes by following the instructions the RaceMe Pro tuner gives you.
How to program and to adjust the speed limiter is within your RaceMe Pro tuners manual so we must not go through it here.
The benefits of RaceMe Pro tuner
With the RaceMe Pro tuner you can adjust tire size up to 44”
You can give your truck a new speed limit up to 250mph
You can adjust timing (this is the start of injection in degrees before TDC) more advance makes better fuel economy (we don’t use dangerous levels, so no fear, you will not get head gasket issues).
Next option is to raise rail pressure (not recommended on street trucks because of the risk of broken injector bodies) this is more for race applications.
The Torque option is not available on 2010 and 11, 12 but only on 2007-09 trucks.
Be very careful here, all above # 3 is challenging automatics and manual clutches as well.
On 2007-09 trucks you have a VGT option what lets you program 3 different tuning levels and the stock level.
What the RaceMe Pro tuner can’t do
The RaceMe Pro tuner can’t do a transmission tuning on automatics
A TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system) altering is also not available
The RaceMe Pro can’t program Dodge Ram trucks from MY 13 on until today.
The reason for that is that this tuner has not the hardware (memory size) and the connector to plug into the second ECM wiring into engine compartment what is necessary to unlock the ECM.
Transmission and clutches and upgrades
If you want to use the highest RaceMe Pro tuner settings you better use an aftermarket transmission or an aftermarket clutch on manual trans trucks. The Raceme Pro and clutch upgrade is a must if you don’t drive like a grandpa. The RaceMe Pro with a standard transmission upgrade is a great thing, you can use the full power without a headache. With the RaceMe Pro remove VGT turbo and you must not reprogram your truck after swapping turbo’s. This is all integrated.
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